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My Contemplations

"Trying to obscure the brilliance of sunlight will only get you as far as Icarus; if we are indeed to reach the heights only attained by men that dream, then merging with the sky's stars will heighten its intensity." - Enlys 

"The more favours and gifts you supply, the less gratitude you will receive. The pseudo-sense of a token undeserving will not only reduce the respect you receive from others but will ultimately remove your sense of self respect. Surprise do cometh from gratitude not expected and is more often from a state of genuity." - Enlys

"We all have fears, but if history has proven one thing it is this; the brave put down their fears and go forward, sometimes to death, but always to victory."  - Enlys

" Our motive's but a ripple, a reflection, an echo, be it the beauty in the dark, the tragedy in the light; Life flows amidst it all like the waters of solace. " - Enlys

"The world without is first created from the mind within, if man should develop one thing it is this; discernment with the inner eye brings forth more personal wealth than what is seen with both eyes, if we should go blind, the world we want to create would be the only visible thing we see. We should stop looking at things as they are and realize that our reality springeth forth from our creative perceptions or lack thereof. Arise now and lift the veil from your eyes for when the mind and the soul worketh in unison the mustard seed is planted and nurtured.  " - Enlys

"Our real enemies are not the thieves, the envious nor the ones that wish to do us harm. Our real enemies are ourselves, for we have been led to believe that we have been born and shaped in sin and thus have perpetuated a reality reflecting such. Look into the eyes of the young and you will see the reflection of heaven for they know not of the impurities of our mind's creation. What love would a creator have for his creations if HE was to allow the manifestation of imperfection?

Man has always chosen to reflect his image upon a god of his own creation and worship, blaspheme and in vain identify with such a being. Quiet the soul and you will become as Judas; revealing your true nature to yourself, crucify what you know and realize the TRUTH; the creator exists in heaven within us all embody HIS virtues and SIN no more. " - Enlys

"The image of the CREATOR is not in the flesh and bones of our mortal frame, but in the thoughts we allow to manifest. Every WORD that cometh forth out of one's mouth MUST be realized for in HIS DIVINE Glory he has granted us freedom of WILL. Take caution to the voice within that speaketh sweet and seductive words and beguiles us, for we have nurtured the tree and partaken of its fruit for far too long and the serpent smiles at our transgressions. One should remember that even Jesus himself was not free from the voice of temptation, but he allowed not himself to partake of the fruit. We search the skies for Heaven and Earth for Eden denying ourselves of the simplicity of the TRUTH, ALL is within, Free Your Mind. " - Enlys

"What a day of rejoicing there will be, when the two become one and work, what wonders there will be when the gates of Heaven opens and springs forth its waters and anoints the sons of the Father. What a day of revelation there will be when the prodigal son returns to open arms from the never ending love of the Father. O'what a day it'll be. " - Enlys

"For my time has come when I can deny no longer my purpose, for through HIS glory have I seen the light and have witnessed the lifting of the veil. I claim the works I do not for myself but for HIM as I am nothing but a servant of his grace, an angel at the throne of Heaven. I will be mocked and ridiculed by the ones who call themselves the faithful and be set alight like the fires that burns immortal in Tartarus, but upon the river Styx I have bathed in secret that no man knoweth of my mortal ties, for the road of righteousness is a narrow path and those who dare to walk it walketh alone.

It is a path that calls forth all Men to walk but only a few will walk it in this lifetime, but it is a path that All must walk." - Enlys

"My heart sounds as Scottish bagpipes playing the themed brave-heart. My memories fade like sunset's sky. I feared this moment I claimed my own, this moment's own I feared no claim. The waters waded silence gate and in no peace my centered pace, I drifted still into the dark, the moon shun dim, I felt your love. " - Enlys

"A gift of a thistle, a thorn of a rose,scarlet stained armour, one's dying curse,agony's delight in happiness' paradise,tear soaked cloak, fountain eyes. In dismay winds howled

through sun's pierced gaze and on that day was silence' s debt paid. " - Enlys

" Cherish each moment like it was the last in life. Fortune favours not the ill nor the prepared; for at no prior warning we become as we once were, the dust without the breath. " - Enlys

"I've seen the selfishness of pride , the evil side of envy, the darker side  of lust, the wages of gluttony. Witnessed honest men succumb  to the tyranny of greed and their  wrath stained the earth with lives never truly lived. And for lack of effort we fooled our selves and called it rest, for our ignorance bared witness to soul's slothfulness."- Enlys

"They may eat with you, work with you, live with you, talk to you, but never  let it get to the point where they walk over you and take you for granted, for  people will always look out for their best interests at first, often times at your cost." - Enlys

"Be very mindful of those who call themselves your friends when the sun is shining,for it's only when it rains we see who offers to share their  cover.- Enlys

"I've always held the belief that a man's word ties in with his reputation. If one cannot trust your word you cannot expect s-he to trust you.- Enlys

"I've  come to realize an old proverb of : Your friends determine your character  to be true , and I have  come to realize that solace and silence are the only best friends man should hold dear to his heart, for friends will turn on you when the oppourtunity suits them and hold you back if you let them. If you are to strive in what you truly believe in, learn to take the path less traveled, even if it means you walk alone." - Enlys

"A  lion will lose his zeal to hunt if he spends his time with sloths. Be mindful of who you allow time for in your day- Enlys

"They will check in with you to find out how far  you have progressed, and gauge how they should react based on your response; not all considerations are genuine.- Enlys

"I have spent time  being around the worst type of people that exist, dream killers.  You know them, the ones who always have the answers to what's best for your life, when they themselves have never strove for nothing more than cheap talk and tricks.- Enlys

"Striving for a rich bank account while perpetuating a  poor mindset will keep you in poverty. Be not envious of those who are wealthy. Creations of wealth begins firstly with the unseen and manifests in time if you nurture its roots.- Enlys

"The only resources indiscriminately  given to Man is mind and  time, once you are alive NOW you are equally sharing those resources with every living soul on the planet.  How you use it however determines their effectiveness to reap favourable results.- Enlys

"All my life  I have done my best to adhere to two simple  principles: live with integrity and guard my reputation with vehemence.- Enlys

"They will always be there when it is favourable for them and use you as they see fit, but when the shoe is on the other foot, they'll say they don't walk.- Enlys

"It is much easier to continue on something that has been done before but what sets one apart is the ability to create something that the world has never seen previously. Give your all to such a  cause, the world has already appreciated current  works, wow them with something different, unique and personal." ​-ENlys

"The sun will set on my time here,and the stars will shimmer with the brilliance of a thousand lights, for when I leave this place I promise you the darkness will not take away from the radiance created." ​--ENlys

"So many walked with me in the beginning, so few are with me in the end, seek first the kingdom of God and have no faith in man." - ENlys

"Every battle I have faced have brought on even more zeal, for I have yet to prove that God has not been my shield" - ENlys

"Friends and time are never proportional, you may know someone for a lifetime and they have naught an impact on your life and yet you may know someone for a day and you wonder how you could have ever existed without them." - ENlys

"I appreciate my enemies over friends, for I know where they stand." ​- ENlys

"Show me an honest man and I'll ask him how much he has suffered." ​- ENlys

"We have missed out on something very simple and beautiful in our existence on this Earth, for we have placed value in material things and not in our brothers and sisters. Though some may be rich in things they are poor in spirit and no amount of money can give them the Truth of that happiness." ​- ENlys

"In the name of the Father many have claimed lives, land and titles.

 In the name of the Father many have enforced their laws and their beliefs upon others. 

In the name of the Father they have decided which of his creations are superior and which ones should be exterminated.

It truly is a wonder whom they call Father." ​- ENlys

"Judge not by what you see with your eyes, for they have deluded you into thinking this reality is Truth. The greatest trick the mind has ever conceived is allowing you to believe that everything is as it seems. " ​- ENlys

"And when you let go and move on they'll say they miss you dearly. We tend not to appreciate what we have in front of us until it no longer exists in our world. " ​- ENlys

"Waste not time on things that does not make you better and evolve your state of being. For the happiness you attain from this state is temporary." ​- ENlys

"Be very weary of the ones that constantly complain, nothing will ever be good enough for them." ​- ENlys

"Be proud of the achievements you attain but never forget The One who gave you the power to achieve such feats." ​- ENlys

"Sometimes you have to go about your own business for them to see the way. Talking leads you only so far." ​- ENlys

"You first have to position the mind for greater things before you see it realized in this reality." ​- ENlys

"Hold them close but not too close." ​- ENlys

"Be always mindful of the ones you assist in life, most come in your life to find that chink in your armour." ​- ENlys

"You know the story. When you can't do anything for them you know your friends." ​- ENlys

"Don't be sad when you realize you now walk alone, rejoice for now you will see the light and the truth." ​- ENlys

"Better a vicious enemy than a shifty friend." ​- ENlys

"The road to success is never an easy one, be not amazed of the ones who seem to have it so easy, you know not of their struggles." ​- ENlys

"All my life I have strove to do right by myself and prove beyond a doubt that nothing is impossible. And now we wait for the prestige; that magic that cannot be replicated." ​- ENlys

"It is all good and well when you have something to offer, everyone stretches out their hands for something. But when you have your hands outstretched you now realize a sad truth, they were not there for you." ​- ENlys

"They will seduce you with kind words and gestures for their personal gains. Remember that." ​- ENlys

"The friend that always  hunts for the quick dollar will waste no time to trade you for silver." ​- ENlys

"I keep no friends." ​- ENlys

"Be not fooled by the word family, often times its better to lie with enemies." ​- ENlys

"Many will stand by the waters and look upon you as if they lacked the capacity to drink. For your cup is much easier for them to indulge in. " ​- ENlys

"When you are troubled seek not expert advice from novice people, they can only help you based on their limited understanding." ​- ENlys

"Enough is enough, said He for the thousandth time." ​- ENlys

"When will we realize that all we have been lead to believe is nothing but a program. All that we see is nothing but an illusion. When you master the mind, you master your world." ​- ENlys

"Morpheus the god of sleep, awaken me from this dream." ​- ENlys

"If I am to be an average of the five closest people I hang around with then I need to be very mindful of who is within my circle." ​- ENlys

"Sometimes the ones you've grown up with are the ones that stunt your growth." ​- ENlys

"If it's one  gift I have cherished the most from the Father it's wisdom, for I have been troubled and now I am astonished that the truth laid so plainly in my sight yet I was just a fool." ​- ENlys

"Do not for one second be fooled into thinking make-up hides your flaws if nothing it pronounces it even more." ​- ENlys

"What's worst? Pretending to be happy when you are sad inside, or pretending to be like-minded with individuals that you have nothing in common with?" ​- ENlys

"Wondrous is the mind that focuses on prosperity. 

Torturous is the mind  that focuses on lack and envy. 

Demented is the mind  that  has called itself the faithful  and has never seen heaven. 

Happy is the mind that enjoys the simple things and has not been ensnared to material things. 

Hopeful is the mind that strives for greater things for  it has nourished the seed of the universe and it sprouts in its fullness always and by its' eternal time. 

Thankful is the mind that recognizes God in all things shape and form and has leaned not unto it's own understanding but only that of the Father's."

 ​- ENlys

"The only stumbling block in life is not to have ever truly experienced it. Mistakes shows you where you have fallen short and you are in a much better place than those who do not even try."

 ​- ENlys

"Funny how all things manifest given time and faith. I am content."

 ​- ENlys

"I never say the words trust and love lightly for it bares a discipline that is forever testing you on the truth of it."

 ​- ENlys

"I  am not proud of the mistakes made but I am happy I am blessed with the capacity to forgive myself ;for that is where one must first go for his personal upliftment."

 ​- ENlys

"Stop looking at others and begrudging them for their accomplishments. Focus on what you are doing."

 ​- ENlys

"If we can trust God to create all things in this universe why then can't we trust him completely to give us the life we ask for."

 ​- ENlys

"If  its one thing life has taught me is that  one should never resort to handouts, by the sweat of thy brow what you reap is what you sow."

 ​- ENlys

"The planet has seen so many advancement in change, why do it's people still remain the same

 ​- ENlys

"You get what you ask for all the time, be careful of the words you allow to leave your mouth." 

 ​- ENlys

"In my mind I make perfect sense; a penny for my thoughts." 

 ​- ENlys

"As we get older, the buffer we experienced of the world slowly dissipates  and we begin to see things as they are. Still some remain oblivious to the real world." 

 ​- ENlys

"I go now to a better place, for I know from whence I came.

 ​- ENlys

"Don't give hand outs when opportunities are much more lasting." 

 ​- ENlys

"I stopped asking questions when I realize the simplicity of truth;we create our world based off what we give our attention too." 

 ​- ENlys

"The blind are truly blessed, for their eyes have not deceived them." 

 ​- ENlys

"When you have nothing you have the potential for anything. A full cup can hold so much and no more." 

 ​- ENlys

"I used to look at them and wonder, why couldn't I be born with their blessing, then I realized I was distracted from mine." 

 ​- ENlys

"Mirrors do no justice to you until the day you see the kingdom of heaven reflected from within." 

 ​- ENlys

"Expression is a song sung until Eternity decides it has heard enough." 

 ​- ENlys

"I've seen then endgame by my visions and that drives my motive to strive." 

 ​- ENlys

"When you finally realize that perceptions control your reality everything will change.

 ​- ENlys

"Master the Twelve Principles of Mind and you will see beyond this existence.

 ​- ENlys

"So far I have learnt the true meaning of existence is to master thy self and recognize that the power was never external, but was always here within." 

 ​- ENlys

"Discernment  is troubling when looking back on the life you once lived." 

 ​- ENlys

"If the mind has created worlds and called it entertainment, to what extent is this reality real

 ​- ENlys

"Twelve is the only significant number when you finally realize.

 ​- ENlys

"No matter what the senses may suggest, you are always and forever the Mind.

 ​- ENlys

"The Fallen are just ideas created by Evil men to externalize and remove responsibility for cruel acts against their brothers and sisters.

 ​- ENlys

"In time all will be revealed, and the one who finds will realize that his responsibility is to enlighten to World. The  world will destroy such a Man and immortalize him after they have killed him.

 ​- ENlys

"We have looked at scriptures metaphorically,literally and personally. How many of us have looked on it internally

 ​- ENlys

"It always has been One Story, yours.

 ​- ENlys

"Enter thy inner chamber and be still in the knowing that the world to be created is within: All its flaws, all its glory, all its lessons. For this path shows you one thing; upholding the faith and being grateful  brings you  not to the goal but to your heaven, through earth creation.

 ​- ENlys

"All the while it was there, all the while we've missed it, and even when you see it, you will not believe it.

 ​- ENlys

"Forgive yourself of your own ignorance and be mindful of others.

 ​- ENlys

"A king once had two sons, but his two sons knows no king.

 ​- ENlys

"Sometimes I feel so lost, thoughts stranded in a maze, I feel my frame on the pavement; steady taunting, til it's haunting, internal conflict, dual -tones  nudging in my ear drum , why do I fear, what do I know? impervious to nothing , but yet the journey' is not over .

 ​- ENlys

"Mirror, mirror in its fairness have seen nothing, no reflection, not an image just a dead spit into the life of the looker.

 ​- ENlys

"Look beyond the senses  for they have kept you ignorant to  true prosperity.

 ​- ENlys

"Try as you may, but mans' greed has lead him to worship materials and hoard wealth. When he however realizes that the things of this world  cannot transcend with him he freely gives knowing that sharing of his resources does not reduce his own but grows it exponentially.

 ​- ENlys

"We strive for so many things in this life, but when will we realize they are all the same things, the material. We have placed so much value on the fruits of our labour with no thought on the state it took to acquire them. What does it mean to be  wealthy? for some having  all the money in the bank, for others the ability to walk or to see or to hear. All is relative. Be specific and not a general statistic of this world. Be mindful of the thoughts you allow to perpetuate your mind  as you exist in this temporary time , for on your last breath you leave everything behind. What will resonate with others are not the materials you once possessed but the memories made immortal when you fade.

 ​- ENlys

"When you can gather twelve in a room and ask them to define what is right and all has given you the same answer you have found an anomaly in this world. For all you meet at different times in different places will have their own subjective understanding of this question.

 ​- ENlys

"Everyday I am haunted by thoughts of greed, of lust, of envy, of slothfulness, of gluttony, of ego. My mind holds me not accountable for these actions as I look upon my fellow man and relish in this state of  a fallacy of familiarity. The crosses we bear goes hand in hand with our rise and our downfall. For like the Egyptians' god Ra we also battle every night our versions of Chaos and strive every day to see the sun rise once more in our favour. And one day with the discipline of our minds we will lay down our weapons and war no more for we will have enjoyed the state of the sun and realize that all  we needed was to have self control and  master ourselves. Our realities are a reflection of the state within, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

 ​- ENlys

"It is much easier to put our burdens upon the shoulders of others and justify why we are currently in a situation or state. The path of ease has led no one to freedom.

 ​- ENlys

"Sometimes I think back on all I have done and wonder were my choices the right ones. Am I any closer to what I strove to achieve. All my days I am haunted by a never ending dream which makes me feel  like an alien in this reality. I look onward and outward at my fellow peers and see them fighting their own internal battles , the ones they tell to no-one; then I've come to realize that all we are truly striving for is Peace.

 ​- ENlys

"It saddens me at times that the richest place on this planet is the graveyard. All those minds that never came into being a they were  ensnared into a thinking that killed their purpose before it was realized. Imagine that world of purpose, and maybe we will realize such a world.

 ​- ENlys

"I've done some terrible things of which I am by no means proud of , and I have been paying the price for my transgressions. So I hold no criticism for no man, as I have come to realize that all must pass through different levels of states to freedom. Some may do it in this lifetime, for others a different one.

 ​- ENlys

"Right before you sleep, on the bridge between your conscious and your subconscious state is the most crucial time in your day, for it is there that you should see yourself as you want to be, what you hope to have, what you strive to achieve. Lean not unto your own understanding but give the tasks to your Father and entrust him  to lead you towards it, keep in the state of having your desires and that feeling will be blessed 10 fold.

 ​- ENlys

"We all have been in a war our whole lives without even realizing it.

 ​- ENlys

"Man's world is nothing more than a reflection of his conscious thought.

 ​- ENlys

"The sun and moon holds no loan for us, for we are the ones on borrowed time.

 ​- ENlys

"So many seeds the farmer plants and knows not of the fruits they yield. So many have tilled their fields in the hopes of diamonds and have planted nothing but coal. Refine first your thoughts and the diamond will yield under the magnitude of your power.

 ​- ENlys

"In time all will be revealed. Continue living and holding your thoughts of the End, the journey itself will come to pass.

 ​- ENlys

"We find it so hard to make time for ourselves and so easily come up with excuses as to justify the lack of it. Then one may ask, if not for you then for whom? is not your own accords just as important as the times you grant to others.

 ​- ENlys

"Do not look for a positive example, be a a positive example.

 ​- ENlys

"Day and night we twist the same web of false beliefs into our waking realities. Wake up  now, for the true dream is one when you are fully awake.

 ​- ENlys

"The most amazing of magic tricks is nothing compared to the amazing magic of your word.

 ​- ENlys

"We strive to aim for the skies, through the smiles through the sighs, the days and the nights. Everyday another challenge a simple test in this sequence  of repetition to realize beyond a doubt that something is truly missing. Is it truly missing ? That's the question unanswered, for it seems that some have found it, some has been born with it; it is with that  bittersweet realization that  you look beyond the veil and realize that it was never missing it's just that you never saw it's face.

 ​- ENlys

"Do not  use a state you see your brother in to cast judgement on him, instead  imagine him as elevating himself out of any affliction and short comings even without his knowledge, for thought is the seed we must plant and indeed we reap what we sow. If you know better imagine and emulate better.

 ​- ENlys

"Age and wisdom are not often times complementary, for I have heard the old with no sound advice and likewise the young that have opened my eyes.

 ​- ENlys

"We have been given all the resources we will ever need in this existence but the worst thing we have done with those resources are nothing, for we still view the world from the perspective of lack.

 ​- ENlys

"A man at any given time is only expressing a state, he is never the state he expresses. As soon as we learn that within ourselves we will recognize what it truly means to forgive one of his transgressions. 

 ​- ENlys

"Be vigilant of your thoughts, like the cherubim at Eden's gate ;for love and wisdom is your guide  and your senses are your illusions.

 ​- ENlys

"I welcome each day as a new world, for every day my thoughts add to my reality and what works not for me I let go and what does I fortify.

 ​- ENlys

"The sad reality is that everyone will try to use you if you allow them to. Rare is the one that considers others as he does himself.

 ​- ENlys

"It amazes me how people use religion as a  belief that they are better than their fellow man.

 ​- ENlys

"Why should I hide who I am for the sake of acceptance.I have already accepted who I am; your opinions are unwarranted.

 ​- ENlys

"Looking back at myself I have realized how much I depended on circumstances and  people to get where I wanted to be, but so far all I have realized was that I was busy playing a victim and appealing to the comfort of others, but to no avail. All we ever have in this world is ourselves.Remember that.

 ​- ENlys

"They will always try to take advantage of your kindness but what most have failed to realize that it is  a choice, and like all choices you have the right to chose to do or not to do.

 ​- ENlys

"Why do they find it so unfathomable when I tell them I need no-one.

 ​- ENlys

"Take them as they come, not where you both have been, nor where both of you are going. Do that and you will never be disappointed.

 ​- ENlys

"Every chance you get work on yourself, there is a lot to you that you yourself have yet to discover.

 ​- ENlys

"Try as you may  you will never be truly happy being dependent on people or material things.

 ​- ENlys

"When you show them who you really are and they give you the impression that its not enough, leave the room. Be very appreciative of who and where you are in this life, strive for better and don't ever stop until you are the very best.

 ​- ENlys

"We look to the stars and the skies and the Earth for all  manner of signs not recognizing the truth that this world is energized and  generated from our thoughts. The simple truth of it is this, man's dominion on this Earth is established by walking hand in hand with the  Father, as One. 

 ​- ENlys

"Gratitude is its own reward. Be thankful for what you have and know that all that you expect in this lifetime can and will be yours with time. Be not ruled by your senses for they are the whisperers in your garden. 

 ​- ENlys

"The love of the Father is such that man is the only creation that has been granted freedom of Will. We have not been programmed like our lesser animal kin to work solely off  instinct. Our dominion is not limited to this Earth and when Golgotha opens man will recognize scripture as His story.

 ​- ENlys

"Experiences are the Father's way of revealing himself to man. For in both adversity and happiness man turns to Him, realizing the inevitable truth; faith in man is a farce.

 ​- ENlys

"And when they ask who I am, tell them I am the living testament, the living word of God .

 ​- ENlys

"What are you waiting for O sons of the father, acknowledge HIM in all things, that is all he asks of you.

 ​- ENlys

"Remain faithful in your assumption and it will without a doubt harden into fact; perceived in mind as reality.

 ​- ENlys

"We spend alot of time doing instead of being, we yearn for things and have no clue of the feeling it would invoke if actually realized, the secret hidden in plain site is this; when the heart and  mind fall obedient to the spirit, all works of the imagination will be revealed in reality.

 ​- ENlys

"Like the mother in pain before bearing child so does the spirit cry for acknowledgement. One becomes a true master of reality when he allows it not to define who is, for to give definition to man gives man a finite fate; we are created in the image of the Father and as such is infinite. We should  all yearn to tap into that universal power  to manifest creation

 ​- ENlys

"We are created to experience  and not only exist, the distinction between man and lower creations.

 ​- ENlys

"Peace be with you always, for a calm heart and mind does wonders even in the midst of adversity.

 ​- ENlys

"If we are to define ourselves let it not be with states that favour negative expressions.

 ​- ENlys

"If we truly know God we will step out as Peter did on the waters, without a second worry or doubt.

 ​- ENlys

"We are constantly bombarded with external battles to distract us from the true war that rages within. Be conscious of that  fact.

 ​- ENlys

"One day you'll begin to learn that we are not  bodies with consciousness, but instead  consciousness experiencing a body.

 ​- ENlys

"A mustard seed is only aware of being that which it is, and thus faith is undoubtedly  the consciousness  of knowing that which you desire and want to achieve already exists, you only have to be solely aware of it.

 ​- ENlys

"The desires of the world  will always cease to give you happiness for in time you will have even higher desires and that which you once possessed now gives you no semblance of peace. The desires of spirit  on the other hand is eternal and fortunate for man, it waits patiently in silence for its acceptance and affirmation on man's life.

 ​- ENlys

"Never place your happiness, state of being or peace of mind in people and material things, they will always fail to give you the truth of it.

 ​- ENlys

"In this life you will begin to realize how flawed the ego-driven mind truly is, it often times means it wearer no good and to his detriment will be his downfall if he has no control over it. Greed, jealously, lust and all manner of negative things are seeds sprouted from and watered by the egoistic mind.

 ​- ENlys

"The mind does strange things when allowed to roam free without guidance.

 ​- ENlys

"Give me the strength to rekindle the flame I doused in ignorance.

 ​- ENlys

"This path is greater than anything I could fathom or imagine, never in all my experiences did I ever think I would reach to this point.

 ​- ENlys

"Lack of appreciation does cause the heart and mind to wane,so much so one is driven by impulse to fill the void currently experienced. We often times reside in states of consciousness fortifying our own detriment as we identify more with the experience by speaking about it and thinking about. The subtle thought force does have an impact on one's reality.

 ​- ENlys

"I often times look back on my actions; some have brought me pride, others have brought me shame. I've lost some  good people and some bad people  as a result of that. 

 ​- ENlys

"What we choose to identify with becomes the cross we bear, the anchorage to this  life with its struggles its ups and its down, we walk along the road of life dragging it along as it becomes more burdensome hoping for the aid of others to alleviate some of the load. The realization of this is often a bitter sweet experience for in one hand we can choose to crucify all we once thought we knew and have molded creating a character  we have come to be identified with or we can accept that this is just who we are and there is no better  reality for us. 

 ​- ENlys

"All creation was begotten from Intelligent Love, all creation is sustained by Loving Intelligence. When we master our mind by our senses and our heart by our impulses and connect both the result from such a merger can only be described as divine grace.

 ​- ENlys

" Be not alarmed when you go through the darkness of the Soul; a point in time where you feel completely disconnected from God and contemplating your existence in this world. Like the caterpillar relinquishing its existence in metamorphosis to become a butterfly so it is man's duty to relinquish the ego to reconnect with the Source.

 ​- ENlys

" Age does not beget wisdom, experiences does.

 ​- ENlys

" I once spoke to an elder about the meaning of creation and the creator, from his perspective he summed up all his beliefs and spoke from a point of ego to the point of disputing other references and forms of creation. I simply asked "Have you ever observed the world outside of man? untainted and unaffected by him? For if you truly did you would come to recognize that your beliefs in a superior being one who cares and loves for all things but somehow decided out of all his creations Man alone would be subject to suffrage  and sin could by no means be accurate. Man stands at the pinnacle of all creation for  he alone has the freedom of choice. The choice to build or the choice to destroy, the choice to allow the creator's way or do things on his own accord. What have we been doing as man?

 ​- ENlys

" Life is more simple than we could possibly imagine, but we seek to understand it to such an extent we have to perceive it from human senses and create our own ideas of belief structures to make sense of it all. It is as simple as observing all of creation and experiencing them fully that we realize how loving and intelligent the creator truly is. All that you want and need is yours if you only ask for it and have faith that you will receive it. Christ himself said that when man goes in silence to the  Father in prayer.

 ​- ENlys

" All I see are lonely souls in this lonely world trying to find themselves  through each other. Through disappointments, through despair   we try to overcome the internal battles we are conflicted with. Through our afflictions we identify as it gives us some semblance of identity. We seek redemption and hope so we look to an external saviour in the hopes of liberation."

 ​- ENlys

" I see your face in the dark like the light  at the end of the tunnel I try to crawl towards, your smile guiding me with such direction, like the answers to my prayers I'm grateful in your presence. Miss you when you're gone your gently spirit, earthly essence, humbled in your grace, my love ,my perfection.  Left the mark on my heart, the ghost of my dreams haunting my every thought  every minute without you seems like an hour's pass. I can't wish for forever in a time so temporary, so I'll hold you while I can in every moment I so cherish. "

 ​- ENlys

" Its easier to see the flaws in others we also reflect within ourselves and the ones we are repelled by we distance from ourselves. All existence is  truly energy in its varying forms."

 ​- ENlys

" Why does drifting comes with such ease and commitment comes with such burdens. Why do some find it so easy, why do some find it uncertain. Why is life so quiet, why do we make the most noise.We are like babies after all, in this universal placenta."

 ​- ENlys

" For only in innocence do we find the truth, only in innocence can you be lead. Not in a manner of right or wrong but in a state not tainted by influence."

 ​- ENlys

" Gratitude should not be ignored in our daily lives, we should arise each day thankful for all we possess. Man's comparison by his senses have shun him from this simple fact. We are what we give our attention to. The more grateful we are, the more the universe will  reward us with things to be grateful for. Likewise in the opposite, the mind has the power to enslave us and to liberate us simultaneously. "

 ​- ENlys

" Perceptions. Does a mirror  reflect your true reality? when you are perceived differently by all you encounter. Some will find you to be the greatest, some will see you as the subject of envy, some for what they can gain, some for what they can give. What do you think of yourselves when you look into the mirror. Sometimes we forget we are not a body with a mind, but a mind with a body, and as such we can command at will what we allow to perpetuate in our existence through the  use of our bodies. What then are we truly reflecting."

 ​- ENlys

" For in my mind's eye I foresaw your existence ,an image  in my frame of you . My heart burned enraged like peat fires ,emphasized by my desire to have you. Delicate features seeing the world through sunset brown eyes complimented by a Siren's smile, I was bound to drown.  In your depths I lost myself ,a distant memory of who I was  but in the faith of love I  sank, piercing heart and lungs. "

 ​- ENlys

" States. What we experience at any given point in life are nothing but states. The state of friendship, lover, friend, brother, mother, son, sister, brother , enemy, betrayer, deserter. What gives these states life  is the bond between the mind, heart and body ."

 ​- ENlys

" Man is all imagination, the garment of  earthly flesh allows for the transference from spiritual to the physical  ."

 ​- ENlys

" Feeling like an empty shell, walking contradiction is this heaven's hell? I couldn't tell. I ride the waves of life, the ebbs and flows,  stuck in limbo how more lower can I go? Is this the blessing of the curse, for better or for worse, do I, go on, or do I let go?"

 ​- ENlys

" Isolation is a hell of a drug, you can become so addicted to it ,to your own solace and detriment."

 ​- ENlys

" Its amazing that one can be alien to one's own self. Smiles and happiness are only a cover up for a tortured mind."

 ​- ENlys

" Its amazing that one can be alien to one's own self. Smiles and happiness are only a cover up for a tortured mind."

 ​- ENlys

" Sanity is just an illusion."

 ​- ENlys

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